The legal battle between Ripple Labs and United States Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)  continues as the blockchain firm requests to bring a former SEC member to testify. The securities regulator initially sued the cross-border remittances firm for its sales of Ripple XRP as an unregistered securities offering.

As part of the latest development in the Ripple vs SEC case, the cross-border remittances firm served a deposition subpoena on a former official of the securities regulator. 

The deposition request by Ripple Labs stated that it aims to bring a former SEC member to the court. According to James Filan, an attorney familiar with the case:

SEC attempts to quash Ripple request

“This means that Ripple lab wants to question, under oath (deposition), a former SEC official.”

Filan further added that the identity of the former SEC member remains unknown at this point. Former SEC chairman Jay Clayton, responsible for bringing the case against Ripple lab in December, would be a likely candidate.

While Ripple has been put on trial, as the SEC claims that it is a security, Clayton has previously stated that the agency does not consider Bitcoin BTC and Ethereum ETH to be securities but has not detailed how he has come to this conclusion. 

Since Clayton left the agency last year, he has since taken on a new position as a cryptocurrency advisor to a hedge fund seeking approval with the SEC for a Bitcoin BTC exchange-traded fund. The former chairman blocked every application for a Bitcoin ETF in the United States during his tenure.  

It is important to note that several high-profile members have left the agency in recent months and the subpoenaed figure could potentially be William Hinman, Sagar Teotia or Stephanie Avakian. Clayton remains the most likely candidate as the aforementioned members have had minimal involvement in the SEC case. 

The SEC is now attempting to quash Ripple’s subpoena. Filan added:

“The SEC objects to the deposition, the parties could not work out their differences, and they want MJ Netburn to decide the case if it will happen. We do not know who the former SEC official is yet.”

The securities regulator will file a motion to quash the deposition request on June 24, and Ripple labs is expected to file an opposition to the agency’s motion to quash on July 1.

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