Bitcoin Gold (BTG) is looking $61.71 goal
Bitcoin Gold (BTG) traded up 3.51 percent versus American dollar in the last 24 hours time period ending 08:45 on May 12th EST. Bitcoin Gold currently has a total cap of $993,768,649 and its 24 hr volume is approximately $23,675,600. In the period covering seven days, Bitcoin Gold is -25.84 percent against the American dollar along with a movement of 2.54 percent inside the past hr.

 International Crypto Analysts believe that Bitcoin Gold (BTG) is looking for the $61.71 goal. According to 2 analysts could reach $129.907065990966. The highest price was $65.03 and lowest of $54.64 for May 11-12. The open was $64.46. It last traded at HitBTC exchange. Aproximately 102,238 BTG worth $5.96 million was traded.

Bitcoin Gold (BTG) is looking $61.71 goal

For a month, Bitcoin Gold (BTG) tokens went up 19.90% from $46.79 for coin. For 100 days BTG is down -57.34% from $131.51. It traded at $105.09 200 days ago. Bitcoin Gold (BTG) has 17.10 million coins mined with the market cap $959.28 million. It has 21.00 million coins in circulation. It was founded on 25/10/2017. The Crypto BTG has PoW proof type and operates under Equihash algorithm.

Bitcoin Gold is a fork of the Bitcoin blockchain that occurred at block 491407. It implements a new PoW algorithm, Equihash, which makes it ASIC-resistant and can only be mined by GPUs rigs. The purpose of Bitcoin Gold is to make mining decentralized again following Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision of “1 CPU = 1 vote”.