In addition to the company just mentioned, it is also possible to integrate BTGPay with the most popular intermediaries, such as WooCommerce, Magento and OpenCart. With the support of these three applications, any web page can accept payments with Bitcoin Gold (BTG) easily and quickly.
The BTG is a cryptocurrency that despite having emerged only four months ago, has been massively adopted by the largest companies in the bitcoiner ecosystem. From exchange houses, to suppliers of cold wallets, the most important people in the community have shown enthusiasm for the potential of this currency.

Likewise, cryptoactive users have integrated BTG into their daily lives and have traded in this currency assiduously. Currently more than two million transactions have been processed in the blockchain of Bitcoin Gold, which represent more than seven billion dollars worldwide.


Bitcoin Gold is a project that was born to return the power of cryptocurrencies to the community, and the best way to do this is to look for scalability solutions that truly help users in a decentralized environment. The centralization of Bitcoin mining in some few companies affected the performance of this blockchain at critical moments, when massive adoption made it necessary to take measures to scale the network and continue to be a fast and efficient payment method.

As more than half of the processing power of transactions is concentrated in China, these few companies have more weight when it comes to adopting scalability proposals. Due to this, the appearance of the SegWit protocol generated strong disputes in the community and led to the creation of the BCash blockchain and its cryptocurrency (BCH).
To cope with this, a group of developers of the bitcoiner ecosystem decided to create a currency that was really from all users by banning mining with ASIC equipment and consequently, distributing the profits of this process among a larger number of participants.
In addition, the Bitcoin Gold developers are committed to applying the technologies developed to make transactions faster, safer and more economical, such as the Lightning Network, the MAST protocol and the Bech32 format for SegWit addresses.
BTGPay is the next logical step in this great initiative; a meeting point between users and merchants, and the opportunity to join a truly decentralized community that cares about its users.